How do we understand this disparity in India?

Question to Radhanath Swami : Spirituality India is way ahead as a religious country, but how can we understand the disparity that we see here?
Radhanath Swami Answers : India was subjugated by the foreign Moghul Powers for about 700 years, then by the British powers for about 200 years. It just got its independence around 70 years ago, on August 15, 1947.

Is Religion different from Spirituality?

Question to Radhanath Swami: Thank you. Swamiji that was really really execellent lecture. Just one small point how would you define the difference between a religion and spirituality?

Answer by Radhanath Swami: If we try to understand the actual meaning of religion, we will find that there is no difference. But if we view the way religion is often followed in the world today, there is a big difference. The word religion comes from the Greek word religio, which means ‘to bind back’ or ‘to reconnect’—to reconnect our hearts, our consciousness, with God.

Practicality of spirituality, cool connect for youth

Question to Radhanath Swami: Today’s youth is becoming indifferent to spiritual education. How will you appeal, as a Guru, this generation to be spiritual and yet be cool?


Radhanath Swami Answers: I see a tremendous potential among the youth of India to go seriously to the roots of their spirituality. But in our society religion is sometimes based on superstition and sentiment without a real scientific philosophical understanding.

Attitude of gratitude – a bridge to God

Question to Radhanath Swami: How can we develop godly qualities which will help us to re-establish our relationship with God?


Radhanath Swami Answers: By developing gratitude we can re-connect with God. Gratitude is a divine virtue and it leads to developing other saintly qualities. Spirituality grows like a seed in the field of our heart.