Radhanath Swami gives tips for the final exam of life–Death…

Question to Radhanath Swami: I have always believed  that celebrities lived a nice life but we often witness them dying miserably. How can I live a life which doesn’t end miserably?
Radhanath Swami: In scriptures it is said, “mahajano yena gatau sa panthau” – It means that if one truly wants to understand how to live a perfect life, “One must follow in the footsteps of the great souls.”


So many problems. Why hasn’t God Descended to Rectify? Radhanath Swami takes the Challenge…

Q to Radhanath Swami: We read in Gita: Krishna says that when there is a decline in religion and an up-rise in irreligion, he descends. Look at the world today; so much of irreligion, so many problems. There is tsunami of irreligion and problems crashing against practically every living entity in the whole planet- there’s an inundation. Where is God?

Radhanath Swami: Krishna has descended in this age in his name. And all the power of all the incarnations is within the name, because Krishna is non-different from his names….

What it feels like upon returning to the spiritual world?

Question to Radhanath Swami: I was wondering, what the scriptures say about what it feels like upon returning to the spiritual world.

Radhanath Swami: Sanatan Goswami, a seventeenth century saint, describes in his work, Brihat Bhagavatamrita,the reunion of a soul with the Supreme Lord Krishna in the spiritual world.