Why are we different from a dog, cat, pigeon, trees and other species? Radhanath Swami shares the real difference…

Question to Radhanath Swami: God has created human beings and so many other species like animals, birds, trees etc. Why do not these other species have a strong ability to discriminate as humans have?


Radhanath Swami Answers: It is the law of nature that if we do not use something we have, it is taken away.  If you have received the human birth, which is exclusively meant for self realization…


Is it the innate nature of the mind to be disturbed continuously and ultimately get depressed? Radhanath Swami Clarifies…

Question to Radhanath Swami: Is it the innate nature of the mind to be disturbed continuously and ultimately get depressed? Radhanath Swami Clarifies…

Radhanath Swami: It is the not the nature of the mind to pursue selfishness and egoism and thus experience frustration and depression in due course of time.

Can Only a Devotee Practice Forgiveness? Radhanath Swami Answers…

Question to Radhanath Swami: Is it necessary for one to be a devotee of Krishna to practice forgiveness?

Radhanath Swami: There are different levels of forgiveness. Certainly, any descent person can be forgiving. However, the true definition of forgiveness, the deepest sense of forgiveness, is to be an instrument of God’s forgiveness because only that type of forgiveness can actually heal our heart (of revengeful feelings.)

Should we Take Care of this Body as well? Let’s hear from Radhanath Swami

Question to Radhanath Swami: Sometimes we have to think of our body and have to take great care of our body, especially during disease. Is that ok?

Radhanath Swami: How to realize the soul? By simply using this precious and sacred body that God has given us in harmony with the true interests of the soul. We like to eat, so we eat prasäd, food sanctified by first offering it to God.

Are we this Body? Radhanath Swami Answers…

Question to Radhanath Swami: How to explain about one’s true self to an atheist, how to explain to him about what his real identity is?

Radhanath Swami: The body is always changing, but do we change? Does the witness of the body and the mind change? From boyhood to youth to old age, we are the witness of life. If you show a person a photograph of himself/herself as a little baby, they will say “that was me when I was 2 months old.”