Should we Give Money to Beggars? Radhanath Swami Answers

Question to Radhanath Swami: This is one question which I’ve had since my childhood. When I travel by trains I see many children begging, and I can’t bear the sight of their hunger. One side of my heart says that I should not give them money for they might misuse it, while my other side says GIVE IT ! What should I do?

Radhanath Swami: Actually, real joy comes through service. Real joy that touches the heart comes through serving without expecting anything material in return.

What does it mean to have self respect? Radhanath Swami provides a new Perspective….

Question to Radhanath Swami: In bhakti, it is said that we should be devoid of ego. At the same time, people feel that one should have self-respect. So can you please tell the difference between self-respect and ego?

Radhanath Swami: Respect for the true self rather than the temporary false self is real self-respect; it is to live in harmony with our own inner virtue. Lord Chaitanya, who played the role of a devotee, said, “I am neither a brähmaëa, nor a kñatriya, nor a vaiçya, nor a çüdra (the classification of Vedic society according to occupation.) I am neither a brahmacäré, nor a gåhasta, nor a vänaprasth, nor sannyäs (classification of Vedic society according to orders of life.)”

How to live in a world plagued by selfishness? Radhanath Swami shows the way

Question to Radhanath Swami: It is said that we should always associate with selfless people, and that’s very critical.  Then, how should we interact with the people who are selfish?  As you say, we should also love them as they are also part of God. So, if we are surrounded by such people, how should we act?

Radhanath Swami: By being a good example.  Of course, if those people open their minds and hearts for us to speak to them about higher virtues and higher truths in life….