Where is God? Where is he not…?

Question to Radhanath Swami: I read about something called God particle, consciousness and its relations to quantum physics but couldn’t understand much. Will science help me to understand God better?


Radhanath Swami Answers: Let’s take an example. Thoughts, we can’t see them, touch them, hear them, taste them or see them, yet they are so powerful. Depression is based on thoughts, elation is based on thoughts. Love, we can see the manifestation of it but we can’t see love; love is an emotion. Similarly, we can see the symptom of consciousness in the form of life.

Is Spirituality Scientific? Radhanath Swami says it is…

Question to Radhanath Swami: I am a student of science. I believe in science. Still I have not got a proper theory or explanation about life and its aim. How will you explain life and its aim scientifically? Another thing: people are trying to explain behavior of life by mathematical model. Do you think it is possible to do that?

Radhanath Swami: What is your definition of Science?

Radhanath Swami Defines Science

Question to Radhanath Swami: I feel science is the cause of so many problems like environmental pollution etc. Am I right?

Radhanath Swami : It is due to lack of science that there are so many problems. By ‘science’ I don’t mean the manipulation of the external gross elements. Bhagavad-Gita, spirituality, and Sanatana Dharma are