Confused? Radhanath Swami says it could be a blessing in disguise

Question to Radhanath Swami-  Swamiji, I guess we are all made for a purpose. But if we are at a confused state of life, how would we really know what our purpose in life is?


Answer by Radhanath Swami- Confusion is a blessing. Because when we are confused, it shakes us from our complacency, and we start asking the questions that you are asking today. And this is the basis of the Bhagavad Gita…

Are we this Body? Radhanath Swami Answers…

Question to Radhanath Swami: How to explain about one’s true self to an atheist, how to explain to him about what his real identity is?

Radhanath Swami: The body is always changing, but do we change? Does the witness of the body and the mind change? From boyhood to youth to old age, we are the witness of life. If you show a person a photograph of himself/herself as a little baby, they will say “that was me when I was 2 months old.”

Radhanath Swami on Karma

Question to Radhanath Swami: It is said that God is all loving. But sometimes we find that a father loses his only son, and sometimes a child loses its parents. In the face of such miseries how can one’s faith in God be sustained?

Radhanath Swami : God means the absolute truth. It is He from whom everything emanates. Even great scientists like Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton were very religious men. They understood mathematically and scientifically that the universe cannot be the way it is without a supreme