Hold your peace; you can….

Question to Radhanath Swami: How do we resolve the conflict which sometimes occurs between peace within and peace around us? We can be at peace with ourselves, but it may not be something which is probably acceptable to people around us in all circumstances. So what should take priority: our inner self being at peace or is it more important that people around us and the world around us is more at peace?


Answer by Radhanath Swami : Both are important. To the degree we try to create peace around us, we will find peace within ourselves….

Radhanath Swami shows the path to spiritual growth…

Question to Radhanath Swami: I am growing in everything I have taken up in life, but my spiritual practice seems to be stagnant. How can I advance?

Radhanath Swami Answers: To advance spiritually you have to discipline yourself. Like a doctor in order to get his degree goes through, years and years of discipline. So if you want to be successful in any field of activity, you must be disciplined and the same applies to spirituality.


If my next birth is as a unicellular organism…? Radhanath Swami Answers

Question to Radhanath Swami: Due to my sinful activities in this life, if I am reborn as a unicellular organism, will my activities as a human being in this birth be considered in my next birth?

Radhanath Swami: Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, “In this endeavor (of spirituality) there is no loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear.” (Bhagavad-Gita  2.40)

What is importance of discipline in spiritual life? Radhanath Swami Answers…

Question to Radhanath Swami : What is the importance of discipline in spiritual life?

Radhanath Swami : Lord Krishna explains in the Bhagavad Gita that without controlling the mind and the senses there is no question of real yoga or real spiritual practice. To do anything good in life or to succeed, discipline is required.