Radhanath Swami answers the question, “Do we really need a Guru?”

Question to Radhanath Swami: Can’t we practice spirituality without accepting a guru? Can’t we make spiritual advancement based on knowledge from scriptures and what we have learnt from others?

Radhanath Swami Answers: We can make progress to some extent. But whether we admit or not, we do have gurus: people who inspire us, people from whom we gain knowledge.

Ignorance isn’t bliss… Radhanath Swami tells why..?

Question to Radhanath Swami: Do the scriptures say that one should
cultivate ignorance along with knowledge? If yes, can you explain?

Radhanath Swami: Isoponishadas elaborate on this point by
explaining that one must simultaneously cultivate knowledge and
ignorance. *What does that mean to
cultivate Ignorance?* It means to understand what ignorance is?

Can’t we Understand God through Scientific Research?

Question to Radhanath Swami: Why is it stressed so much that we understand God from a bonafide Guru? Can’t we resort to scientific research, like we do to understand any other phenomena?

Radhanath Swami: Our Guru Srila Prabhupada, in his purity of heart and humility, again and again stressed, “I am simply repeating the words of my Gurudeva and Sri Guru Parampara.” This is the descending process of acquiring knowledge. Prabhupada stressed this especially because at this particular time within the age of kali, the ascending way of approaching knowledge has become very much prevalent. In fact, modern scientific education especially trains people to doubt authority, to independently research to find out what is truth.

What does it mean—seeing through the eyes of the scriptures? Radhanath Swami clarifies….

Question to Radhanath Swami: I have often heard the phrase, “seeing through the eyes of the scriptures.” What does that mean?

Radhanath Swami: What we may witness in the world, we must learn to process that information through the knowledge we have read in the Holy Scriptures and the knowledge we have heard from the great saintly people.

Difficulty with Academics after taking to Spirituality? Radhanath Swami has a solution

Question to Radhanath Swami: After reading spiritual books, it becomes very difficult to read academic books; they now seem boring! What shall I do for that?

Radhanath Swami responds: If we want to use our academic knowledge in the service of God, then the combination of the two can be very effective. The Holy Scriptures and the messages of the holy men teach us what we should strive for and how to strive for it.