Ignorance isn’t bliss… Radhanath Swami tells why..?

Question to Radhanath Swami: Do the scriptures say that one should
cultivate ignorance along with knowledge? If yes, can you explain?

Radhanath Swami: Isoponishadas elaborate on this point by
explaining that one must simultaneously cultivate knowledge and
ignorance. *What does that mean to
cultivate Ignorance?* It means to understand what ignorance is?

Radhanath Swami’s Answer to “Why Did God Create Evil & Negativity?”

Question to Radhanath Swami : What was God’s Purpose behind putting elements of negativity in the creation.

Radhanath Swami Answers : We are responsible for the negativity. God creates the opportunity, but then according to our desires and our ambitions we create the world we live in, the situations of this world. Just like, a father gives his children so many nice gifts.