You try to help people, you face negativity!!!! Radhanath Swami tells how to tackle this…..

Question to Radhanath Swami: Once I asked some of my close friends to stop criticizing others and stop swearing. “Instead you can be calm and chant the holy names of God,” I requested them. But the fired back, “You’re trying to show off.  You’re not a devotee, you’re just trying to show off, you’re not what you look like.” And that kind of negativity was coming out of them.  So what should I do?

Answer by Radhanath Swami: We should cultivate humility, we should cultivate a service attitude, and the more we become genuine, the more people will actually recognize that genuineness in us.

How to live in a world plagued by selfishness? Radhanath Swami shows the way

Question to Radhanath Swami: It is said that we should always associate with selfless people, and that’s very critical.  Then, how should we interact with the people who are selfish?  As you say, we should also love them as they are also part of God. So, if we are surrounded by such people, how should we act?

Radhanath Swami: By being a good example.  Of course, if those people open their minds and hearts for us to speak to them about higher virtues and higher truths in life….

Will distributing French Wine throughout the nation help people? Radhanath Swami Answers…

Young man asks Radhanath Swami : I heard you speak sometime ago that every action of human beings should be to help others, to benefit others. I was planning to start on a business of distributing French wine across the nation….After I heard you, I was a little confused whether this action of mine will help human beings. Will it help them?
Radhanath Swami : Can I ask you a question?
Young Man : yes please.