Is Religion different from Spirituality?

Question to Radhanath Swami: Thank you. Swamiji that was really really execellent lecture. Just one small point how would you define the difference between a religion and spirituality?

Answer by Radhanath Swami: If we try to understand the actual meaning of religion, we will find that there is no difference. But if we view the way religion is often followed in the world today, there is a big difference. The word religion comes from the Greek word religio, which means ‘to bind back’ or ‘to reconnect’—to reconnect our hearts, our consciousness, with God.

Can Only a Devotee Practice Forgiveness? Radhanath Swami Answers…

Question to Radhanath Swami: Is it necessary for one to be a devotee of Krishna to practice forgiveness?

Radhanath Swami: There are different levels of forgiveness. Certainly, any descent person can be forgiving. However, the true definition of forgiveness, the deepest sense of forgiveness, is to be an instrument of God’s forgiveness because only that type of forgiveness can actually heal our heart (of revengeful feelings.)