So many problems. Why hasn’t God Descended to Rectify? Radhanath Swami takes the Challenge…

Q to Radhanath Swami: We read in Gita: Krishna says that when there is a decline in religion and an up-rise in irreligion, he descends. Look at the world today; so much of irreligion, so many problems. There is tsunami of irreligion and problems crashing against practically every living entity in the whole planet- there’s an inundation. Where is God?

Radhanath Swami: Krishna has descended in this age in his name. And all the power of all the incarnations is within the name, because Krishna is non-different from his names….

Do we have to renounce everything to come close to God? Radhanath Swami Clarifies

Question to Radhanath Swami: Do we have to give up everything to come close to God?

Radhanath Swami: All the things in this world are meant to be utilized according to our nature, in the service of God. Then it’s wonderful. Not that you have to give up everything; that’s very difficult and in many ways it’s very unnatural. If something can be utilized in a very dynamic and wonderful way in the service of God and for the welfare of others, you should utilize it, you should not renounce it.

What does it mean—seeing through the eyes of the scriptures? Radhanath Swami clarifies….

Question to Radhanath Swami: I have often heard the phrase, “seeing through the eyes of the scriptures.” What does that mean?

Radhanath Swami: What we may witness in the world, we must learn to process that information through the knowledge we have read in the Holy Scriptures and the knowledge we have heard from the great saintly people.

What it feels like upon returning to the spiritual world?

Question to Radhanath Swami: I was wondering, what the scriptures say about what it feels like upon returning to the spiritual world.

Radhanath Swami: Sanatan Goswami, a seventeenth century saint, describes in his work, Brihat Bhagavatamrita,the reunion of a soul with the Supreme Lord Krishna in the spiritual world.

How to Connect to the Divine? Radhanath Swami Explains…

Question to Radhanath Swami: It is said that God is present everywhere. But I don’t perceive his presence anywhere. Can you explain?

Radhanath Swami: To connect to the divine presence of God within ourselves and within everything that exists cannot be done with our senses, no matter what microscopes or telescopes we use, no matter how many degrees we have or how many books we memorize.