Isn’t our spiritual goal achieved only at the time of death? Radhanath Swami clarifies…

Question to Radhanath Swami: In ordinary life, our short-term goals—wealth, fame, money, etc.—are measurable. To aspire for love of God is to pursue the proper long term goal. But unlike short-term goals, isn’t this goal achieved only after death?

Radhanath Swami: The highest goal does not come at the time of death. The highest goal comes when we make service to God the highest priority of our life.

Why so many rules if Bhakti is the path of love? Radhanath Swami clarifies

Question to Radhanath Swami: In the path of Bhakti we are told to refrain from certain activities like meat eating for developing our love for God. But can’t I love God and simultaneously do these things? Love is not to be bound by rules and regulations. Why then do we have rules and regulations on the path of Bhakti?

Radhanath Swami: Unconditional love is a very high and pure platform. To get there we have to honestly begin from where we are. The beginning of love is to do what the beloved wants. Similarly, the beginning of developing love of God is to understand what God wants us to do and to obey that.

Can’t we Understand God through Scientific Research?

Question to Radhanath Swami: Why is it stressed so much that we understand God from a bonafide Guru? Can’t we resort to scientific research, like we do to understand any other phenomena?

Radhanath Swami: Our Guru Srila Prabhupada, in his purity of heart and humility, again and again stressed, “I am simply repeating the words of my Gurudeva and Sri Guru Parampara.” This is the descending process of acquiring knowledge. Prabhupada stressed this especially because at this particular time within the age of kali, the ascending way of approaching knowledge has become very much prevalent. In fact, modern scientific education especially trains people to doubt authority, to independently research to find out what is truth.

Does God Exist? Radhanath Swami Takes the Challenge…

Question to Radhanath Swami: How do you know there is God?
Radhanath Swami: How do you know there is no God? Can anyone actually prove that there is no God? There are so many theories, but what really is the evidence? Was anyone there to actually eye-witness the Big Bang with a video camera? It is just a concept born in peoples’ minds which seems to make sense due to certain phenomenon that they are witnessing today. But the obvious question is, is it more logical that everything comes from nothing or that everything comes from something? If it is more logical that everything comes from something, that something is God.