Why so many Obstacles despite Chanting Hare Krishna?!!! Radhanath Swami tells why…

Question to Radhanath Swami: I have been practicing chanting Hare Krishna for a while. Still, so many problems, so many obstacles in spiritual life!

Radhanath Swami: One who has faith in the holy name of Krishna will overcome all obstacles. It’s a major difficulty in a devotee’s life—we just don’t have that faith in chanting Hare Krishna. If we just have that faith, there is no obstacle that we cannot overcome.

How to Connect to the Divine? Radhanath Swami Explains…

Question to Radhanath Swami: It is said that God is present everywhere. But I don’t perceive his presence anywhere. Can you explain?

Radhanath Swami: To connect to the divine presence of God within ourselves and within everything that exists cannot be done with our senses, no matter what microscopes or telescopes we use, no matter how many degrees we have or how many books we memorize.

Why people don’t believe in God? By Radhanath Swami…

Question to Radhanath Swami: Why people don’t believe in God? How can we make people believe in God?

Radhanath Swami: The nature of everyone is to believe in God. But because of conditioning in this material world people want to be the enjoyer rather than the servant, and when that enjoying spirit becomes like a fever, they consider God as an impediment;

Radhanath Swami on Karma

Question to Radhanath Swami: It is said that God is all loving. But sometimes we find that a father loses his only son, and sometimes a child loses its parents. In the face of such miseries how can one’s faith in God be sustained?

Radhanath Swami : God means the absolute truth. It is He from whom everything emanates. Even great scientists like Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton were very religious men. They understood mathematically and scientifically that the universe cannot be the way it is without a supreme