Question to Radhanath Swami: We understand that we should forgive whatever bad things come upon us. But, in case of our close friends, generally we tend to forgive one or two times, but when it happens again then we become angry. The anger so far comes out, and plus new thing, they all come together and we just pounce upon that person. So how do we avoid such case? How tolerate in that case?
Tag: discrimination
Why are we different from a dog, cat, pigeon, trees and other species? Radhanath Swami shares the real difference…
Question to Radhanath Swami: God has created human beings and so many other species like animals, birds, trees etc. Why do not these other species have a strong ability to discriminate as humans have?
Radhanath Swami Answers: It is the law of nature that if we do not use something we have, it is taken away. If you have received the human birth, which is exclusively meant for self realization…