How could we help solve the problem of terrorism on an individual level?

Question to Radhanath Swami: How could we help solve the problem of terrorism on an individual

Answer by Radhanath Swami: Terrorism is born of ego. Strife and friction
are caused when we understand only the letter of the religious law but
ignore the spirit behind it. Unity and brotherhood of mankind can happen
when we transcend the external differences and focus on the spiritual
essence of all great traditions. The essence of every religion is sincerity
in cleansing our own hearts, and cultivating humility by honouring every
living entity as a child of God. We must educate the youth about these
universal principles which teach us to love God and love every living being
as a child of God. God is one and is known by many different names. If we
understand and internalize this reality we develop respect for every
religious path.

Categorized as Life

By Radhanath Swami

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