Radhanath swami shares the art of harmonizing head and heart

Brain and Heart

Brain and HeartQuestion to Radhanath Swami: Sometimes we go through a conflict between brain and heart. How to deal with it?

Answer by Radhanath Swami: We should harmonize our brain and heart with the word of God and with the will of lord. To understand the message of God is not easy. But by associating with people who are tuned in to understand the message of God and understand the Holy Scriptures we can also decode the message of God.

This can be done by chanting the holy name of God. If we practice chanting with right intention and character then we will get answers for our questions. Our heart is the place of feeling and brain is the seat of discrimination and if combine it with devotion we can tune into god’s message. Devotion without philosophy is just sentimentalism and philosophy without emotions is just mental speculation. Either of them will not lead to transformation of character. We have to harmonize the two under the proper guidance of spirituality and spiritual people.


By Radhanath Swami

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