Dealing with the cheaters….

Question to Radhanath Swami: How should we deal with people who clearly are out to cheat the world, clearly are more towards evil than good? What should be our attitude towards them?


Answer by Radhanath Swami: To a certain extent we have the power to change our environment. But ultimately it’s very limited; we may not be able to change the whole world or how people think or how people act or why people do what they do. Of course we can try our best to help, but there is one thing that we could always change and that’s ourselves.

Hold your peace; you can….

Question to Radhanath Swami: How do we resolve the conflict which sometimes occurs between peace within and peace around us? We can be at peace with ourselves, but it may not be something which is probably acceptable to people around us in all circumstances. So what should take priority: our inner self being at peace or is it more important that people around us and the world around us is more at peace?


Answer by Radhanath Swami : Both are important. To the degree we try to create peace around us, we will find peace within ourselves….

Where is God? Where is he not…?

Question to Radhanath Swami: I read about something called God particle, consciousness and its relations to quantum physics but couldn’t understand much. Will science help me to understand God better?


Radhanath Swami Answers: Let’s take an example. Thoughts, we can’t see them, touch them, hear them, taste them or see them, yet they are so powerful. Depression is based on thoughts, elation is based on thoughts. Love, we can see the manifestation of it but we can’t see love; love is an emotion. Similarly, we can see the symptom of consciousness in the form of life.

What is your proposal to bring global peace

Question to Radhanath Swami: What is your proposal to bring global peace?


Answer by Radhanath Swami: While we are trying to clean the environment externally, there is also a need for cleaning the ecology of the heart. If our actions are driven by arrogance, hatred, greed, egoism, there is no question of global peace….

Why are we different from a dog, cat, pigeon, trees and other species? Radhanath Swami shares the real difference…

Question to Radhanath Swami: God has created human beings and so many other species like animals, birds, trees etc. Why do not these other species have a strong ability to discriminate as humans have?


Radhanath Swami Answers: It is the law of nature that if we do not use something we have, it is taken away.  If you have received the human birth, which is exclusively meant for self realization…