So many problems. Why hasn’t God Descended to Rectify? Radhanath Swami takes the Challenge…

Q to Radhanath Swami: We read in Gita: Krishna says that when there is a decline in religion and an up-rise in irreligion, he descends. Look at the world today; so much of irreligion, so many problems. There is tsunami of irreligion and problems crashing against practically every living entity in the whole planet- there’s an inundation. Where is God?

Radhanath Swami: Krishna has descended in this age in his name. And all the power of all the incarnations is within the name, because Krishna is non-different from his names….

Is a Positive Attitude Always Good?

Question to Radhanath Swami: What is better? Looking at an object as it is, or looking at an object with positive attitude? I was thinking about Gautam Buddha; if he had a positive attitude, he wouldn’t become Buddha.

Radhanath Swami: Actually, Buddha had very positive attitude. That’s how he became Buddha. He saw the realistic problems of birth, old age, disease and death. But he had faith that he could overcome those miseries and that he could teach the world to overcome those miseries; he had a positive outlook.

How to Remove the Element of Suffering from Relationships? Radhanath Swami Provides Tips…

Question to Radhanath Swami: As you mentioned in your lecture, when we have a lot of expectations from our loved ones or from others, and when those expectations do not get fulfilled, we suffer. So how to come to a platform where we don’t expect anything from others?

Radhanath Swami: We do that by cultivating humility. If we are proud, we feel that we deserve so many good things from so many people. If we are actually humble, we are grateful for whatever happens and for whatever that comes.

Should we Take Care of this Body as well? Let’s hear from Radhanath Swami

Question to Radhanath Swami: Sometimes we have to think of our body and have to take great care of our body, especially during disease. Is that ok?

Radhanath Swami: How to realize the soul? By simply using this precious and sacred body that God has given us in harmony with the true interests of the soul. We like to eat, so we eat prasäd, food sanctified by first offering it to God.

How to Improve Mantra Meditation? Radhanath Swami Provides Tips

Question to Radhanath Swami: How to improve the quality of our mantra meditation?

Radhanath Swami: By our sincerity and simplicity, by trying to improve the attitude of service in our life, by trying to live more and more according to moral, ethical and pure principles , by guarding against offences, and by sincerely and attentively making the effort to take shelter of the holy names.

Are we this Body? Radhanath Swami Answers…

Question to Radhanath Swami: How to explain about one’s true self to an atheist, how to explain to him about what his real identity is?

Radhanath Swami: The body is always changing, but do we change? Does the witness of the body and the mind change? From boyhood to youth to old age, we are the witness of life. If you show a person a photograph of himself/herself as a little baby, they will say “that was me when I was 2 months old.”